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The Ball in Crookes - has it gone down hill?


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Naked :o


Not even wearing a pair of nick nocks ? :o


Well, I do decieve you; he had a pair of socks on his feet. Can't remember why I noticed that; no shoes though.


What a night, still talked about three years later; brought a smile to many a face.

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I haven't been in for some months now - got fed up with the complete lack of staff between 5 and 7 meaning one poor person had to do all serving and clearing up. and they usually seemed to put giving a man his first pint of the night at the bottom of their To Do list.

might be tempted to go back and see what it's like if the staffing has got any better! would be fun to see what else has changed - have they worked out yet how to set the correct aspect ratio on their plasma screens? or is it still the headache-inducing 'stretch'?

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Would have to agree, it's definitely gone down hill, though judging by the crowd in there last saturday evening, that's not reflected in it's continued popularity, and unlike a lot of places it seems to be a fairly even student-local mix.

Choice of beer has really deteriorated - oh for the days of Black Sheep on Tap, as well as 3 or 4 other decent guest ales!

Can't blame them for the toilet smell though - guess that might have something to do with the smoking ban, and is endemic in most pubs at the moment. Personally I prefer it to other people's smoke, but I suppose others may disagree....

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Its a shame to hear the Ball has gone further downhill - it used to be great a few years ago and has always remained a fairly acceptable boozer despite a slight deterioration in standards. Its been the start of many a mammoth pub crawl around Crookes and Walkley. :)


Must call in again to see what's what as haven't been up there in some months.

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let's hope new landlady sends some of the, shall I say, "less desireable" clientel (that appears to have crawelled from somewhere into the Ball of late) packing and get's it back to the good old days of a really nice friendly pub with good quality real ales!

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I also have heard Landlord from Wharncliffe is going there.


Also apparently takes no crap and having been in Wharncliffe in Firth Park probably knows hows to handle idiots and the afore mentioned 'undesireables'. Since that pub when i went in was clean and seemed a fairly trouble free environment.

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