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Cocoa - The most gorgeous chocolate shop ever!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've already messed up the dates for book club the Time traveler's Wife is to be discussed on the 7th of July NOT the 2nd like I said, and in December On Beauty is to be discussed on the 1st not the 2nd. Really sorry about that, clearly too many dates for me to handle!! Hope to see you there xx

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Hey everyone, this is the new book club list for the future:


The Time Traveler’s Wife….…July 2nd

Brick Lane…………………...August 4th

Tales of the Unexpected…September 1st

To Kill a Mocking Bird…….October 6th

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo…….November 3rd

On Beauty………………..December 2nd

January 2010 closed

Birdsong……………..…....February 2nd

Notes on a Scandal………….March 2nd

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen ..….April 6th

Astonishing Splashes of Colour…… May 4th

Perfume :The Story of a Murderer…..…June 1st

Cat’s Eye……………….…….….July 6th

Memoirs of a Geisha…..……..August 3rd

Lolita……………………...September 7th


It's on the first Tuesday of every month at Cocoa from 7.30pm, everyone is welcome xx


what a great idea!!


do we discuss what we've read?

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  • 1 month later...
When is the next chocolate tasting? Is it always £10 or does it vary? What happens there? I love the shop and haven't been for too long.


Not sure, you have to get a group together and they are quite booked up for ages the girls were saying last night! You get to taste all grades of choccie from 100% to white choccie. Was great!

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