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What's with round corners?

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I'd never noticed the 'round corner' phenomenon until I saw this thread, but when I was out and about today I started looking for them and they're absolutely everywhere. Are they unique to Sheffield? I'll have to start looking at the corners when I visit other cities now.

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And I thought it was only me who had noticed the round houses phenomena of Sheffield. I've lived here thirty years and have always wondered why. You can't help admiring the skill of the builders, and another unique feature of this great city.

Surely there's a historian or architect out there who can answer the question?

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And I thought it was only me who had noticed the round houses phenomena of Sheffield. I've lived here thirty years and have always wondered why. You can't help admiring the skill of the builders, and another unique feature of this great city.

Surely there's a historian or architect out there who can answer the question?

I'm not a architect, but at a guess I'd say it's to do with strength against high winds..You never hardly ever see rectangular light houses or cooling towers..how many of these buildings were damaged in the Sheffield 1960's gale???.Or it could be that a load of furnace bricks were going cheap at one time.
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What's all this fuss about round corners?


Everybody knows Sheffielders love round things.


You've only to see the favourite, Tuppenny Tustards wi' torners tut off from T'orner shop!


Happy Days!

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