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Bus Lanes or is that Bus Pains?

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I remember when the bus lanes were introduced all those years ago. If I remember rightly I think the reason they were introduced was to keep the jouneys quicker, therefore encouraging people to go by bus and reduce pollution.


It hasn't quite hapened has it? What's happened is that the bus lanes now cause car drivers journeys to take longer. Therefore, increase pollution!


People would soner go by car so why do they still force them on us? They are a white elephant.


The trouble is that there are a certain sort who won't admit when tree hugging policies have failed. The bus lanes are increasing pollution. Come on guys dig them up!!


On a similar type point in relation to driving. I was listening to five live the other day and some intellectual research type stated that the hands free kits do not reduce accidents for users as opposed to people who talk on a mobile while driving.


His research showed that it is not the actual physical use which causes accidents but the actual lack of concentration caused by having the conversation.


So it looks like a ban on talking is on the way:hihi:

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Hopefully the bus lanes will work better now the council are starting to enforce them properly, and using cameras to catch the car-drivers who drive in bus lanes.


I think many more people would be prepared to leave their cars at home and catch the bus if the fares were greatly reduced... at the moment it is far cheaper to drive than to catch the bus. I would welcome a return to subsidised low bus fares similar to what Sheffield had before deregulation (or maybe fund public transport completely from taxation).

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I remember when the bus lanes were introduced all those years ago. If I remember rightly I think the reason they were introduced was to keep the jouneys quicker, therefore encouraging people to go by bus and reduce pollution.


It hasn't quite hapened has it? What's happened is that the bus lanes now cause car drivers journeys to take longer. Therefore, increase pollution!



Sorry if this wrecks your theory but if a vehicle travels to a destination slower doesn't it tend to use less power thus using less fuel thus exhausting less pollution?:huh: Could be wrong but I always thought this was true.

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Could be wrong but I always thought this was true.


Yep. You're wrong.


Most cars will reach a maximum fuel efficiency around 50 mph.

Slower than that, or faster than that, will be less efficient and use more fuel per mile and produce more pollution per mile.

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Sorry if this wrecks your theory but if a vehicle travels to a destination slower doesn't it tend to use less power thus using less fuel thus exhausting less pollution?:huh: Could be wrong but I always thought this was true.


There is a difference between travelling slowly and being sat in traffic queues for hours as we all do these days and I am sorry but I really detest bus lanes I think they are half the cause of the traffic chaos in Sheffield at the moment.

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I think that the bus lanes are fantastic.


Half of Sheffield seem unable to read which means that many bus lanes are free for me to nip down for most of the day!


gotta agree with that! I rarely drive these days but I find it amusing the number of dirty looks/deliberate blocking I get when cruising down a bus lane out of restricted hours. one of sheffield's most public but least known bonuses all those blue signs with times on them ;-)

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But this is not why they are there! Bus lanes are there to annoy you, quite literally, as they are designed so that buses are never held up by traffic and can sail on by you as you sit fuming in your car for another half an hour on Savile Street or wherever.


Without them, the buses would be in the jam with you. Instead the bus passengers sail on by and the bus keeps to a reliable time - it's intended to make you think "Hmm, maybe I would get home more quickly on the bus? Maybe I'll try that next time?" And it does work if there are enough of the bus lanes, too, it is quicker. ;)

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I love 'em. Good for us motorcyclists :cool: Hmm I knew that cruising at a certain speed is more fuel efficient but I thought moving around 10mph-20mph because of traffic would be more fuel efficient then tanning the b****** off it:huh: We need someone with a good knowledge on the subject.

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