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Bus Lanes or is that Bus Pains?

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Bus lanes must be the biggest cause of traffic congestion in our inner cities but try getting the PS/fascists on the councils to admit that.

I think buses rather than buslanes are the major factor towards congestion.


The only way I can come to this conclusion, is I remember a few years back when the buses were on strike for a few weeks, and driving about was bliss. I didn't get caught up anywhere, even in rush hour.


(not that I'm suggesting that we scrap buses of course:hihi:)

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Maybe if Sheffield City Council looked at the state of Bus Lanes in Rotherham and London maybe they could learn something!


And bus lanes you can drive in them, as long as they are outside the time restrictions, the new ones over in Rotherham are for buses 24 hours a day, so you can not drive in these.

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I remember when the bus lanes were introduced all those years ago. If I remember rightly I think the reason they were introduced was to keep the jouneys quicker, therefore encouraging people to go by bus and reduce pollution.


I think they were introduced to make bus journeys quicker, not car journeys.


Roads are limited by their slowest points - the junctions. Bus lanes tend to temporarily end at junctions so scrapping bus lanes wouldn't increase throughput through the junctions.


So if you turned the bus lanes into normal lanes then they would likely fill up with queueing traffic and make little difference to car journey times. Pollution would increase because you would have another lane full of idling engines. Bus journey times would slow.


So no, I don't think you have made a good case for scrapping bus lanes.

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Why not modify your car by tripling its length, putting additional seats in and mounting a board with a number and destination on the front? Surely then you'll be able to use the bus lanes anytime you like?


Clarkson tried that on Top Gear.



It broke in half.



take the bus instead?




If I wanted to get into the city centre, it would cost me more than the bus fare (this is including tax, mot & insurance).


They're (the bus) are also cramped, and (at certain times of day) full to the brim. Whereas my car has plenty of space, seats for all family members, carriage space (lots), my own choice of music......

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I drive home from work via Charter Row towards the bottom of Hanover behind Debenhams and some seem to ignore the bus lane down there. But the motorist at the front of the legitimate queue still let them in at the front which in its self causes delays because the queue that Im sat in doesn't get any shorter.Grrrr

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A moral obligation? I feel it is, certainly for journeys that can easily be done by public transport. And I don't hold much with the "it's cheaper to have a car" argument. I looked into this because I applied for a job in the middle of nowhere where a car would have been unavoidable, and I worked out I'd need £2000 a year more in order to run a car. What I spend on transport now wouldn't even cover the insurance, never mind buying the thing in the first place, putting petrol in it, taxing it, maintenance costs etc.

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When they tried that in Leeds, every motorist simply went out and bought 3 inflatable dolls.


Some people didn't need to as they had already got some; didn't they Basil? ;)


My favourite bus lane is the one they just installed past the university where the traffic used to flow quite nicely for all. Since they put the bus lane in, it sqeezes the traffic so that the tail backs reach all the way to Broomhill and Crookes no, meaning that the bus times have increased by about 50% in rush hour - genius, especially when coupled with the fact that a number of buses can't change the bus lane traffic light and so they can't let themselves back into the traffic until another bus approaches from behind.

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