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Has anyone ever taken an anti-depressant called Trazodone?

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Trazadone worked wonders for me. I was having terrible trouble not sleeping, somtimes for several nights in a row through anxiety. The first day I took it I had the best night's sleep for years.


It did make me very drowsy at first but that passed.


I was on it for about 18 months and combined it with CBT.


After the therapy, I gradually reduced the dose with my GPs help until I was on a quarter of a pill a day.


I must admit I was nervous about coming off it but my doctor was really good and luckily for me I've never looked back.


Yes im currently having CBT therapy at the moment but the mitrazepine (not sure of the spellling) i have been on those for 3 years now and i have just been getting more and more depressed and the anxiety i get its pretty bad because its linked to an Eating Disorder im recovering from. But my mum seems to think they might not make me drowsy coz as i start to cut the others down im taking 5mls of the trazodone then working up to 15ml once im off the others.

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I took lofepramine for a couple of months a few years ago-it just made my anxiety worse. Looking back it was a really terrible experience with my doctor increasing my dose to very high levels and my symptons getting worse-a very scary time. Then I changed to trazadone and immediately my anxiety subsided and I was able to function again- though I am still taking it 4 years later at a much reduced dose. So it just goes to show that what works for one person can be awful for another.



Did you get any side effects with yours?

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i am on trazadone at the moment been on it a few months and it does make me sleepy most of the time and spend more time in bed than out of it but i know it will go away that sleepyness as i took it 5 years ago for 12 months and i was fine on it with just dry mouth and the sleepyness wore off in a few months except this time im more sleepy than last time but maybe its that im more depressed this time


Did you have a dry mouth all day?

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Anyone there? I took my 1st dose tonite and coz i cant swallow tablets ive got the liquid and i feel realy sick coz it tastes ming and i cant get rid of the taste out of my throat..Does anyone know if i get tablet i can crush them?

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Did you get any side effects with yours?


Yes,the drowsiness that most people report, though for me that was just what I needed as I wasn't sleeping before. Also I was hungry all the time when I first started taking it, which is a fairly common side effect I think- I did put weight on to begin with, but have since managed to lose 5 stone while still taking the trazadone.

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Ah right ok well my appetite has disappeard abit so i think shes also put me on it coz of that...I took it for the 1st time last night and coz i cant swallow tablets ive got the liquid but its disgusting i cant get rid of the taste from my mouth and its making me feel very sick...I'm waiting for a phone call to see if i can get it in tablets then crush it and put in with my others.....What dose are you on? coz i guess with the drowsyness it depends on your dose?

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