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Is smacking children as necessary as cuddling them?

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Does that conclude that children who are not smacked become failures? Do they become successful because of physical discipline or they were going to be successful anyway regardless of the violence.


It reads:-


Those who had been smacked up to the age of six performed better in almost all the positive categories and no worse in the negatives than those never punished physically.

Teenagers who had been hit by their parents from age seven to 11 were also found to be more successful at school than those not smacked but fared less well on some negative measures, such as getting involved in more fights.

However, youngsters who claimed they were still being smacked scored worse than every other group across all the categories.

Prof Gunnoe found little difference in the results between sexes and different racial groups.


The NSPCC didn't like the study much but have not been able to disprove it, yet this study disproves the notion that chastising a child (up the age of 6) does more harm than good.


As a child I was too much for my deaf parents to cope with, my father had hands the size of shovels and arms like tree trunks, when he slapped my legs/arse/face it would hurt. That was enough to deter me from receiving such punishments.

My grandfather on the other hand was nowhere near as powerful, I can still remember to this day the first time he put me over his knee and spanked my bottom, I was expecting it to hurt, I looked at my mother for support, she shrugged her shoulders, I braced for impact and .............. smiled.

Mother was going to give the game away by telling my Grandad it didn't hurt, so I pretended it did and cried out in false pain.

Needless to say I didn't have much of a deterrent when at my Grandma's. That is until me mom started telling dad when we got home and I once again had a deterrent.


I used to stim a lot as a child, it gave me comfort and was a habit I enjoyed, when I moved in with my Nanan she would get out the cane and whip the backs of my hands every time she caught me stimming.

This stopped me stimming, I started nail biting and finger tapping instead though.


I try to make 99% of the time I give to my children a pleasant experience for them, I will never turn away from their questions and will teach them how to find the answers if I do not know them myself, I prefer to show them compassion and love, I reward them with hugs, kisses and very rarely sweet treats.

That does not mean that I do not chastise them, normally I don't need to, seeing my angry face alone can have them running off to hide, the fear in their faces when they have to come back and apologise is enough to tell me to lighten up a little.

Again that does not mean that I will not chastise them should I think they need it, on average they might get a slap once or twice a year.


I can also remember the first time I chastised my daughter, it brought tears to my eyes, it is not a practice that I enjoy and she ended up being the one comforting me with her "it's ok dad, it didn't hurt that much".

Neither me nor my wife chastise them in rage, if we are angry we pass the onus onto the other to discipline them.

With that said, the other month my wife lost it and asked me to chastise one of our daughters for something, which left a red mark and I received my first warning from her school. Ironic.

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Family therapy, child/educational pyschologists etc. There are also helplines available until an appointment comes through.


How does one gain access to these facilities, please provide the phone number and do they charge for these services, do you have to pay for the therapy, education, psychologists, is the helpline and 0845 number by any chance?

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How does one gain access to these facilities, please provide the phone number and do they charge for these services, do you have to pay for the therapy, education, psychologists, is the helpline and 0845 number by any chance?


There is a helpline called Parentline. You go to your GP or school and ask for a referral.

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Research from an institute that itself professes "He that spareth his rod hateth his son"?


Maybe this, from one year earlier in The Maily Telegraph?


Smacking makes children naughtier: research


or the Aussie telegraph


Smacking can lower children's IQ, research claims


I'm sure there's good research out there, but because it's such a political touchstone, good data will be hard to come by.

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I have absolutely no idea, ring it and find out.


You passed the number on but don't know whether it's 24 hour or not, in my day the parents disciplined and looked after their children. They didn't have help lines to assist them and most of them got it right on their own, nowadays they expect someone else to do it for them

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Research from an institute that itself professes "He that spareth his rod hateth his son"?


Maybe this, from one year earlier in The Maily Telegraph?


Smacking makes children naughtier: research


or the Aussie telegraph


Smacking can lower children's IQ, research claims


I'm sure there's good research out there, but because it's such a political touchstone, good data will be hard to come by.


It is a religious institute.


you also forgot to add Proverbs 13:24 to "He that spareth his rod hateth his son".

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You passed the number on but don't know whether it's 24 hour or not, in my day the parents disciplined and looked after their children. They didn't have help lines to assist them and most of them got it right on their own, nowadays they expect someone else to do it for them


Google it yersen.

About say you want me to re-google it just to answer some dumb question.

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