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Any other way to stop unwanted phone calls

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If you are on telewest you use their call barring services. You can choose to block calls from withheld numbers. I use it all the time ;) No more problems from call centres (generally)



That is what i got. did you know if anyone put 1470 in front of a number that is withheld it can get through. i dint till i rang telewest back today. and i tryed it too with my sister who withheld her number as she ring me on my mobile if she wants me to call her back and she got through no problem but it does not tell you the number just the coad when you ring the 1471 to see who has rang you.. it strange that we pay extra for this and it still can get through.

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Dieselbabe, as someone mentioned above this is a PHISHING call rather than a sales call.


They are trying to get you to give them personal information on your banking so that they can use this information to steal money from your bank account.


Do NOT speak to them next time they call replace the receiver without saying anything. Do NOT give them any information or engage in conversation.


They are committing a crime - you do not need the number to report this to the police, especially if it is happening once every 20 minutes.


Inform the police and follow their advice.


The only thing you should say to them in the future is that you will not speak to them and have reported them to the police.

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I did not get a letter but i got a email confirm to me that all is up and running ater a couple of days has i too did it over the website. Now it did work but i thought i had to re apply has it been some months now has i thought with the calls poping up again i was thinking maybe you got to re apply affter so many months. but i got anouther email saying that im already registerd with them.

So i dont know how it works or does it only work on some phone networks has my mum on BT and she had no more call since goin onto TPS.


I got an email the first time I applied saying I was registered. But when I complained about still getting calls they told me that my number wasn't registered. About a month after registering the second time (and after again receiving an email confirmation) I also received a letter in the post confirming that my number had been added. I've had hardly any calls since. You shouldn't have to re-apply again after this. Ring them up and ask them to confirm you are definately on the list. Then you need to try and get details about the person ringing you. Log dates and times, try to get the name of the company (often garbled at the beginning of the conversation, so useful to have a pen and paper by the phone ready), take details of what they're trying to sell, and tell them you're registered with the TPS and you will be putting in a complaint about them. You can then report them via the TPS website and they will investigate.


An yes it does work on all networks. I was with Telewest when I first registered, and now have my calls through Tiscali.

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honestly, do some people not read a thread or even the OP before posting.

People suggesting call barring and TPS when both have already been tried as stated in the original post.


Take the details and fill in the TPS complaint form, then tell him what you've done. That should stop them, or at least has worked for me in the past.

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If you are registered with the TPS which is part of Ofcom this should stop most calls. You can also register to stop the silent calls, this only lasts for 12 months. You can also take it up with your malicious calls dept. If your supplier won't help or they dont have one then move to another supplier who has. The malicious calls dept will advise you and if and has in this case it seems to be fraudulent, will advise the police. The police will find the source of the calls and if its in this country will take action as will ofcom.

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If you are registered with the TPS which is part of Ofcom this should stop most calls. You can also register to stop the silent calls, this only lasts for 12 months. .


Er no. TPS is part of the Direct Marketing Association - their address is the same too. Had a long chat with 'Margaret' at TPS some time ago who gave me this info. Luckily registering with them stops the main nuisances such as Staybrite windows etc, but you can complain about those cold callers who get through. You need to get their phone number or address and if possible the name of the person calling. TPS appear to pass on the complaint to the cold caller (may be effective) but then offer the cold caller the chance to buy, from TPS, their database of registered numbers for £5,000.


Nuf said.

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So has anybody got any ideas apart from TPS and caller rejection that does work.. ho i tryed the polite and nasty NO as well and it still wont work and ive tryed other things too but still wont go away. :help:


hi dieselbabe


hope i'm not repeating things here and i hope i don't appear paranoid. i just hate junk mail and junk phone calls. first thing i did when we moved to our current house was to go ex-directory and sign up with tps. also whenever i deal with people in shops etc who ask for our phone number i only give it if i really really have to. they may need to confirm something for instance. i ask them to only call me with regard to this issue as i'm ex-directory, with tps, and don't want any marketing calls. we also have caller recognition so i know who's calling ie. number withheld etc. we are also with mps (mail preference service) and we guard our address in the same way as the phone number. i don't answer number withheld (they tend to be from people who have forgotten to unbar their number. i just call them back when i hear the message). maybe you might think that is going too far but it works. with such easy access to information on computers etc you need to protect your identity and your details.


needless to say we don't get either junk mail or marketing calls for us EVER. you may think it's extreme but if it's a habit it's no hassle. it. i know it's kind of after the horse has bolted in your case but if you tighten up now the situation could improve.


if you haven't guarded your phone number you could find it might be a company from overseas calling you and they are out of the clutches of british law. cheap international phone calls and outsourcing to overseas countries have made it easier for companies to call you illegally.


tps can help with companies in the uk only. start by protecting your phone number. tell all your family and friends who withhold their number that when they call you they should unbar their number. it could be difficult say when hospitals and doctor call about an appointment but that can be overcome by giving them your mobile number and home number. tell them your mobile would be best to reach you on. then you should know any withheld numbers on your mobile are from people you have given your number to


i suppose the last resort would be to change numbers and try the process from the beginning similar to the one i described.


good luck

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I know it been said befor but i can not find the thread without getting booted off the forum,

Now im on telewest and for the past week ive had phone calls after phone calls about mobile phones offers, even tho it sounds like the same person who rings he uses a diffrent name in sure it is, asking me to confirm this and that about myself even tho i ask him first what details he has of me to confirm he carnt.


Now i got that fed up and ive already sign up with TPS back in december and the calls are still getting through. So i rang telewest up and had the caller recjetion on so who ever calls with with a withheld number can not get through or so i thought. Day2 now and still getting calls and it is nearly every 20mins that no lie, so i rang telewest back and complain to them that the rejection system was not working, only to be told that anyone that has withheld the mumber CAN still get through with a four digit coad that he also told me incase i need it for family to get in touch who too withhold number, but i was not told befor hand, So what is the point in that service that iam paying extra for that does not work in the first place.


So has anybody got any ideas apart from TPS and caller rejection that does work.. ho i tryed the polite and nasty NO as well and it still wont work and ive tryed other things too but still wont go away. :help:

get an answer machine,they take the calls,if you want to speak to the caller,you pick up the phone whilst the message from your machine is bieng played
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Has the TPS acknowledged in writing that your number is registered with them? I registered with them via their website, and a few months later was still getting calls, so I put a complaint into TPS about the company concerned. They informed me that my number wasn't registered after all! I registered again and the calls have dropped to virtually zero. If the odd one still calls I tell them that my number is with the TPS and they shouldn't be calling it - this usually results in them hanging up pretty speedily and never calling back!



best make sure that you register every year as its compulsory...........

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