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Pro Democracy Riot Bristol

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1 hour ago, apelike said:

But that is exactly what you are doing and you are also using emotive language to justify your position. It's a bit like the brexit debate trying to make out that those who didn't agree with them and voted for brexit were thick uneducated racists.

 It’s nothing like it, of course.

Not all those who voted for Brexit were thick uneducated racists, by far. But all thick uneducated racists very probably voted for Brexit.


That nuance was suppressed in debate in the name of tribal politics, exactly like the nuance between “a light statutory update” by a government riding populism for all it’s worth and the gradual setting up of a police state, is now getting suppressed in debate, still in the name of tribal politics.


Must say, that Kool Aid must taste pretty sweet. I don’t think Vlad P was getting away with half as much, a year into his first Presidential term.

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It's all so short sighted as well. This seems to be mainly in response to XR, and anthropogenic climate change is fact, and denial of it is superstition. We have a very limited time to avoid catastrophe, but this government seems determined to squeeze the last few years of profit out of the dwindling number of years in which business as usual is possible. After that, everything falls apart. They really are happy to throw future generations under a bus for their own comfort now.

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10 minutes ago, Delbow said:

It's all so short sighted as well. This seems to be mainly in response to XR, and anthropogenic climate change is fact, and denial of it is superstition. We have a very limited time to avoid catastrophe, but this government seems determined to squeeze the last few years of profit out of the dwindling number of years in which business as usual is possible. After that, everything falls apart. They really are happy to throw future generations under a bus for their own comfort now.

I agree that it is short sighted, but the Tories have never made any secret that they are the party that supports big business, and deregulated markets and that means profits at any cost.

When will people get this?

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1 minute ago, Anna B said:

I agree that it is short sighted, but the Tories have never made any secret that they are the party that supports big business, and deregulated markets and that means profits at any cost.

When will people get this?

Erm...have you taken a look at UK plc lately?

Because I think that narrative has changed a fair bit.

Try “hedge-funds stuffed with disaster capitalists” instead. These are to ‘big business and markets (deregulated and not)’, what wolf packs are to farming of any livestock whatsoever: the sort of deal wherein you can only profit once, by destroying the underlying asset, then move onto the next.

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Loved old Boris in prime ministers questions, quoting rioters as saying 'Kill the Bill,'  meaning a call to attack the police, when in all probability it could just as easily mean drop this legislation, (kill the preliminary draft ie. 'bill')

This the sort of misunderstanding / misdirection that causes problems and shows how carefully a bill must be drafted and scrutinized before it is passed, to prevent misinterpretation of the rules and context.

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14 minutes ago, L00b said:

Erm...have you taken a look at UK plc lately?

Because I think that narrative has changed a fair bit.

Try “hedge-funds stuffed with disaster capitalists” instead. These are to ‘big business and markets (deregulated and not)’, what wolf packs are to farming of any livestock whatsoever: the sort of deal wherein you can only profit once, by destroying the underlying asset, then move onto the next.

And they treat the planet as an underlying asset to be destroyed, but for future generations there isn't another one to move on to.

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10 minutes ago, L00b said:

Erm...have you taken a look at UK plc lately?

Because I think that narrative has changed a fair bit.

Try “hedge-funds stuffed with disaster capitalists” instead. These are to ‘big business and markets (deregulated and not)’, what wolf packs are to farming of any livestock whatsoever: the sort of deal wherein you can only profit once, by destroying the underlying asset, then move onto the next.

I dont think the narrative has changed at all. I agree that just such a wolf pack creates havoc such as the 2008 crash. But so what? They simply don't care about anything other than their own interests before moving on like a plague of locusts. The government has relinquished all responsibility and control as long as they keep donating money to the party. 

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On 24/03/2021 at 19:52, Delbow said:

That is a cowardly response.

Let's face it, the people cheering on the removal/erosion of their own rights seem to have something in common, and it's not their intelligence! :?


Of course, the reality...  government doesn't go to such efforts to enact powers they think they're never going to use.


That vaccine high isn't going to last... and the Brexit bad news is accelerating (as are the costs)!


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Have people seen that Avon and Somerset Police have now had to admit that no officers received broken bones or punctured lungs. Seems an unlikely thing to accidentally get wrong. The same force scared the hell out of a 12 year old boy who hadn't stolen a biscuit. Altogether now - "If you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about"

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'Tory backbenchers accused ministers of 'a slide into authoritarianism,' seeking to impose 'total social control,' while one said that claims the controls were necessary was 'the alibi of tyrants'

Another said he was opposed to the Act's 'very significant draconian powers,' and Sir Christopher Chope quoted French writer Albert Camus, saying he should reflect on the adage 'that the welfare of humanity is the alibi of tyrants.'


Interesting words coming from the Conservatives themselves and quoted in the Daily Mail of all places...


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